



1. 人类命运共同体
A community with a shared future for mankind
2. 退牧还草
Turning grazing land into grasslands
3. 国家最高科学技术奖
State Preeminent Science and Technology Award
4. 单身经济
Single economy
5. 物流行业
Logistics industry
6. 网红经济
Internet celebrity economy
7. 直播经济
Livestreaming economy
8. 智慧物流市场
Intelligent logistics market
9. 创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念
The new vision of innovative, coordinated, green and open development that is for everyone
10. 经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设“五位一体”总体布局
the five-sphere integrated plan, which is to promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement
11. 基因编辑
genetic reprogramming/ gene editing
12. 企业为主、政府推动、市场化运作
business-led, government-supported and market-driven
13. 跨区域务实合作平台
a platform for trans-regional and practical cooperation
14. 农业农村农民问题(“三农”问题)
issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people
15. 个税改革
reform of personal income tax
16. 坚决打好三大攻坚战
Fighting three critical battles
17. 查明疫苗的有效性
ascertain the effectiveness of vaccines
18. 印太战略
Indo-Pacific strategy
19. 全球供应链
the global supply chain
20. 使命愿景
mission and vision
21. 短板
short planks
22. 中国制造、中国服务
made-in-China goods and services2

1. 颜值 Good-looking
2. 范儿 Fashionable
3. 潮 Stylish
4. 小确幸 Small blessings
5. 点赞 thumbs-up
6. 抢红包 snatch/grab red envelopes
7. 红包大战 red-envelope war/fight;battle of the red envelopes
8. 六块腹肌 six-pack abs
9. 低头族 phubber
10. 野鸡大学 diploma mill
11. 走红 go viral
12. 娘炮 sissy
13. 锦鲤 lucky charm
14. 官宣 officially announce
15. C位出道 make a debut as leader of…
16. 怼(diss)Pick on sb/spar
17. 佛系 Buddhist-style
18. 求生欲 Desire to survive
19. 确认过眼神 we have got the expression in one’s eyes
20. 皮一下 mischievous3最后,快过年了,给大家一些应景的词汇:
1. 祭财神 worship the God of Wealth
2. 春联 Spring Festival couplets
3. 贴倒福 paste the Chinese character “Fu” upside down
4. 窗花 paper-cut for window decoration
5. 门神 the God of Door
6. 灶神 the God of Kitchen
7. 财神 the God of Wealth
8. 土地爷 the God of Land
9. 火神 the God of Fire
10. 扫尘 Sweep the Dust
11. 灶王爷 The Kitchen God
12. 写对联 Write couplets
13. 剪窗花 Paper-cut for window
14. 洗浴理发 Bath and Haircut

1. 移动支付
网友神翻译:QQ Pay/ Move pay
正解:Mobile payment
2. 缆车
网友神翻译:Fly car
正解:Cable car
3. 云海
网友神翻译:Chu Yuxun’s boyfriend (可以说这位网友是很有创造力并且暴露年纪了)
正解:Sea of clouds
4. 淡水湖
网友神翻译:Light salt lake
正解:Freshwater lake
5. 皮毛
网友神翻译:Hair skin and mao
6. 珠江
网友神翻译:Pig River
正解:The Pearl River
7. 洪水
网友神翻译:Lots of water
8. 皇帝
网友神翻译:Yellow brother/China’s boss
9. 论坛
正解:Web forums
10. 改革开放
网友神翻译:China opens the door
正解:China’s reform and opening up
11. 国宝
网友神翻译:Chinese baby
正解:National treasure
12. 先锋
网友神翻译:First crazy
13. 巧妇难为无米之炊
网友神翻译:A good human, no rice, no can.
正解:One can’t make bricks without straw.
14. 包裹
网友神翻译:My taobaos
正解:Express package
15. 资源节约环境友好型
正解:Resource-conserving, environment-friendly
16. 中国共产党
网友神翻译:Mao Zedong and his team
正解:The Communist Party of China
17 温泉
网友神翻译:gulugulu water
正解:hot spring




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